Author: admin

Chan Chenmy

I feel great winning the International Art Competition championship! I am excited and I would like to thank my parents for their support and my teacher for nurturing me throughout my classroom experience. My Dream City theme today consisted of an imaginary scenario of a mushroom house, cactus house and a big tree. I just got inspired, imaginary and creative painting and exploring with colors. I did face challenges with mastering my outlining skills prior to the competition, but now I am so good at it! I love globalart!
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Liew Rui Yee

I am so happy that I am the champion of this International Art Competition! I want to thank my parents, teacher and grandmother for their support throughout. I love globalart as I have come a long way in improving my art skills for this competition as well as becoming more imaginative, creative and analytical in my daily life. I was nervous today as I knew competition was high, but I still gave my best and I had fun. My advice to future participants is to always give your best, to never limit your imagination and creativity and to persevere throughout.
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Sheryl Vermont Kwerni

I am excited and proud in being the champion of this International Art Competition! A big thank you to my parents and teacher for their support. I love globalart as it has nurtured my creativity in art as well as boosted my confidence towards this competition day. I believe these traits can help me achieve my dream in the future of becoming an illustrator. Thank you globalart.
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Disha Asuri

I feel awesome upon being the champion of this International Art Competition! I would like to thank my parents and my teacher, Angel for always encouraging me! My masterpiece of My Dream City today was of space where I decided to get creative with the different techniques of painting it with a combination of colors. Even though time was short during this competition, I still had fun and I would advise future participants in the next competition to nurture your creativity and to never give up if at first you don’t succeed.
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Về Global Art Việt Nam

Tại Global Art, ý tưởng được đánh giá cao, sự nỗ lực đem lại phần thưởng xứng đáng và sự sáng tạo được tôn vinh! Đó là cách học viên Global Art tìm tòi, mở khóa và khám phá tiềm năng, khả năng và tài năng sáng tạo độc đáo của riêng mình. Global Art có mặt ở 21 quốc gia với hơn 600 trung tâm và hơn một triệu học viên đăng ký kể từ khi thành lập vào năm 1999. Global Art giành được nhiều giải thưởng danh giá ở Malaysia và ở cấp quốc tế, ngày nay, Global Art là đơn vị tiên phong và dẫn đầu được quốc tế công nhận về chương trình bồi dưỡng và phát triển mỹ thuật Mục tiêu của Phương pháp global...
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